If you were at June’s meeting you noticed that we have begun giving single numbers to our disks. Up to now, each 800K club disk was given two numbers- a remnant of the days when all Mac disks were single-sided. When double-sided disks became popular we offered both formats: six single-sided disks with one number each and three double-sided disks with two numbers each. Well, we got into a rut and it lasted four years. Now that virtually everyone can do double-sided we have decided to renumber our entire library, giving one number to each double-sided disk. This means that disks 1 through 300 will be renumbered 1 through 150. June’s disks, 301, 302 and 303, will become 151, 152 and 153. To do a proper job of this conversion, we will not only renumber the disks but the disk directories as well, including references to other disks. This task should be complete by the July meeting, and updated copies of Browser and the AMUG HyperCard Disk Index should be available. If you plan to request back issues at the July meeting, try to use the new numbers. To convert old numbers to new numbers, follow this easy formula.
For even numbers:
New Number=Old Number/2
For Odd Numbers:
New Number=(Old Number+1)/2
Remember that all disks will now have a single number, so for example, the old AMUG 67+68 will become the new AMUG 34. Got it? Great!